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Tuesday, July 14, 2020

why are you crying?

Opening Prayer: Risen Jesus, come into my life today and fill it with your life and hope and love.  Speak to me in ways I need to be spoken to, comfort me in ways I need to be comforted, and heal me in ways that I need to be healed.  Raise me to new life this day, O Risen Lord.  Amen.

Scripture: John 20:10-18

Journal: What is God saying to you through the scriptures today?  What does the resurrected Jesus want to say to you today?  How might the resurrected Jesus want to come to you in a way that is bigger and more glorious than you have yet experienced?  How is he showing up in the midst of your tears?

Reflection: In her tears, sadness, and confusion Mary didn’t recognize that it was Jesus standing in front of her—that is until he spoke her name.  And at the sound of her name she came alive inside, turning toward him in surprise and delight. 
     Stand outside the tomb with Mary today.  Imagine her sorrow and her desperation, her confusion and her tears.  How are you feeling those same things in your life right now?  Imagine Jesus asking you, “Why are you crying?”  What is your answer?  Imagine Jesus coming to you in the midst of that pain.  Imagine him saying your name.  What do you want to say to him?  What does he want to say to you?  How is he asking you to stop clinging to a small version of him, so that you might embrace a larger, more glorious one?  Who else do you know that needs to have the resurrected Jesus meet them in the midst of their tears?  Take them to Jesus today in prayer.


Closing Prayer: Lord Jesus, thank you that you come to us in the midst of our tears, whatever they may be.  Come to me this day with words of life and hope and healing.  For the sake of your name and your kingdom, I pray.  Amen.

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