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Friday, May 22, 2015

sent, friday

Friday, May 22

Opening Prayer: Keep me from being an ineffective, ordinary Christian; challenge me to be among those who are ready to fling their lives away for Jesus Christ, to be utterly careless of what happens to me in order that he may be glorified.  I pray in his name.  Amen. (Jesus Teaches on Prayer by Ray C. Stedman)

Scripture: Acts 8:26-40

Journal: Who is God calling you to walk alongside these days?  How is he calling you to be more like Philip?

     The fundamental building blocks of the kingdom are relationships.  Not programs, systems, or productivity.  But inconvenient, time-consuming, intrusive relationships.  The kingdom is built on personal involvements that disrupt schedules and drain energy.  When I enter into redemptive relationships with others, I lose much of my "capacity to produce desired results with a minimum expenditure of energy, time, money, or materials."  In short, relationships sabotage my efficiency.  A part of me dies.  Is this perhaps what our Lord meant when He said we must lay down our lives for each other? (Theirs is the Kingdom by Robert D. Lupton)


Closing Prayer: Loving Father, teach me to love and care for those that need you today.  Those who are passed over and do not feel love unless I love them for you.  May Christ’s love for others be felt through me today.  In your name and by your power I pray these things.  Amen. (Disciplines for the Inner Life by Bob Benson and Michael W. Benson)

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