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Wednesday, May 29, 2019

in God

Opening Prayer: Find rest, O my Soul, in God alone; my hope comes from him. 

Scripture: Psalm 62:1-2

Journal: How do you try to find rest?  What would it look like to find your rest in God alone?

Reflection: “My soul finds rest in God alone; my salvation comes from him.”  There is so much about this verse that I love—not the least of which is the idea of my fearful and anxious soul actually being able to find true rest.  But just how is this rest, which my soul so deeply longs for, supposed to come about?
     It is supposed to come about in God.  And not just in God, but in God alone.  It comes about when I am finally willing and able to give up my own efforts and formulas and strategies, and simply climb up into the heart of God and stay there.  It comes about when I finally stop trying so hard and simply learn to abide, or dwell, in him.  For God does not want me to just live for him, or even to live with him.  What he really wants is for me to live in him.  That is the sweet spot.  That is where the real rest lies.  And it has a lot more to do with being than it does with doing.  It is when God lives in me and I live in God.  That is when my soul will be able to finally find rest.


Closing Prayer: Help me, O God, to learn how to live my life in you.  For that is the only way my soul will ever find true rest.  Amen.

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