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Thursday, March 5, 2015

unwilling, thursday

Thursday, March 5

Opening Prayer: Lord God, be the delight of our hearts, even as we are the delight of yours.  And help us to leave behind all thoughts, actions, and attitudes that do not reflect the beauty of that delight.  May everything else pale in comparison with the passion we have to be truly yours.  In the name of Jesus.  Amen.

Scripture Reading: Isaiah 30:15-18

Journal: Why do think someone might be resistant to the words of today’s scripture reading?  Is there something in you today that is resistant to them?  Why do you think returning, rest, quietness, and trust are things that are so hard for us to do?  Are they hard for you?  Are they a significant part of your life and world?  Why or why not? 

     Letting go is hard.  And it doesn’t really matter what you are talking about letting go of.  In fact, letting go is so hard that most of us are simply unwilling to do it, even if God is the one asking us to.  Letting go is especially hard when the stakes are high.  When what we are being asked to let go of is control, or agenda, or security, or significance.  Then it is darn near impossible.  For letting go is all about willingness.  Are we willing to put ourselves completely in God’s hands?  Are we willing to trust ourselves—and our families, or finances, or reputations—completely to God’s care?  Are we willing to stop calling all the shots and let him do that for a change? 
     Or are we simply unwilling?  Are we unwilling to follow wherever he may lead?  Are we unwilling to surrender all in pursuit of him alone?  Are we unwilling to order our lives according to his will and his word?  Where is God asking you to let go today?  Where is he asking you to be willing?  Are you? 


Closing Prayer: Take, Lord, and receive all that I am and have.  You’ve given it all to me; I give it all back to you.  Do with me as you want.  Just give me your love and your grace and that’s enough. ~St. Ignatius

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