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Wednesday, July 2, 2014

together, wednesday

Wednesday, July 2

Come to Stillness: Take a few minutes to allow your mind and heart to be still before God.

Opening Prayer: All praise and thanks to thee, most merciful God, for adopting us as thine own children, for incorporating us into thy holy Church, and for making us worthy to share in the inheritance of the saints in light.  Grant us, we pray, all things necessary for our common life, and bring us all to be of one heart and mind within thy holy Church; through Jesus Christ our Lord.  Amen. (The Book of Common Prayer)

Scripture Reading for the Day: John 13:31-34

Reading for Reflection:
Community, then, cannot grow out of loneliness, but comes when the person who begins to recognize his or her belovedness greets the belovedness of the other.  The God alive in me greets the God resident in you.  When people can cease having to be for us everything, we can accept the fact they may still have a gift for us.  They are partial reflections of the great love of God, but reflections nevertheless.  We see that gift precisely and only once we give up requiring that person to be everything, to be God.  We see him or her as a limited expression of an unlimited love. (Turn My Mourning Into Dancing by Henri J. M. Nouwen)

Reflection and Listening: silent and written

Prayer: for the church, for others, for myself
Closing Prayer: O God, fountain of love, pour love into our souls, that we may love those whom you love with the love you give us, and think and speak about them tenderly, meekly, lovingly; and so loving our brothers and sisters for your sake, may we grow in your love, and live in your love, that by living in your love we may live in you; for Jesus Christ’s sake. (E. B. Pusey, quoted from Classic Christian Prayers by Owen Collins)

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