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the blue book is now available on amazon

Exciting news!   The Blue Book is now available on Amazon! And not only that, but it also has a bunch of new content!  I've been work...

Sunday, April 1, 2018


Opening Prayer:  Lord Jesus, I'm so glad Easter is finally here.  During this season train my eyes and my heart to see you, O Risen Christ, in ways and in places that I don't normally see you.  Thanks be to God that you are alive!  He is risen!  He is risen indeed!  Hallelujah!

Scripture: Mark 16:1-8

Reflection: What was it like in that dark tomb, Jesus?  What exactly happened when light suddenly broke into the darkness and brought you to life once again?  Did the mouth of God come down from heaven and breathe the breath of life into your lifeless body?  Or did he reach down with his life-giving hands and brush the death from you as one would wipe sleep from the eyes of a child?  Or was it like a Father tenderly bending down over his sleeping child to plant a gentle kiss upon his forehead?  Perhaps it was more like an earthquake; a sudden jolt of power and life that hit you like a lightning bolt from on high, raising you suddenly to life once more.  
     And were there any words uttered in that silent grave?  Words that you had the privilege of hearing, but that we will never know about because they were words meant only for your ears: arise, my love, or wake up sleepy head or My Child, I've missed you so much!  
     And what was it like when the grave clothes were removed?  And who exactly did that?  Was it the angels who were present the next morning; sent by the Father to unbind his beloved Son?  And why exactly did they fold them and stack them so neatly?  I'll bet they were smiling from ear to ear.  
     And O what a reunion there must have been, the Three-in-One becoming Three and becoming One once more! What was that like?  What was it like when you and the Father, and the Spirit, were reunited?  What were the looks on your faces?  What was going on in your hearts?  What a dance that must've been!  A dance we are now invited to join.  O the joy, joy unspeakable.  
     Let our imaginations run wild on this Easter day, as we dream about, and celebrate, the day our beloved Jesus was raised to life again! (Journey to the Cross by Jim Branch)

Pray: Sit in the presence of the risen Jesus today.  What do you want to say to him?  What do you think he wants to say to you?  Tell him what you long to see risen in your life.

Closing Prayer: O God, our heavenly Father, today we join with your people throughout the world to celebrate the resurrection of your Divine Son, Jesus.  We celebrate the fact that his victory over death has opened the way to eternal life.  By the power of his resurrection and by your Spirit within us, O God, raise us up and renew our lives as well.  We ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forevermore.  Amen.

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