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Wednesday, June 30, 2021

kissing jesus

Opening Prayer: Lord Jesus, help me to give you all of my attention and affection today. Remind me to “kiss the Son,” today and every day.  Amen.

Scripture: Luke 7:36-50

Journal: When was the last time you gave Jesus a kiss?  How might doing that daily affect your heart and soul?

Reflection: “You gave me no kiss, but from the time I came in she has not stopped kissing my feet.” (Luke 7:47) This verse stopped me in my tracks this morning.  Years ago a very wise man told me that one of the best ways to practice loving your family was to give everyone a kiss whenever you leave and get home from work.  “It will help keep your hearts tender and connected to each other,” he said.  And although I haven’t been perfect, it was something I tried to incorporate into our lives as a family.  There was a lot of kissing in our house.

But today I was reminded that I also need to do the same with Jesus.  Giving and receiving kisses with him daily, does something really beautiful deep in our hearts and souls.

Lord Jesus, never let it be said that I failed to give you a kiss, today and every day.


Closing Prayer: Lord Jesus, never let it be said that I failed to give you a kiss, today and every day.



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