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Wednesday, April 18, 2018

important versus urgent

Opening Prayer: Lord Jesus, help us to never lose sight of the one thing because of the many things.  We get so distracted and anxious at times.  Help us always to choose the better part; the part that will not (and cannot) be taken from us—you!  Amen.

Scripture: Luke 10:38-42

Journal: What has you worried and upset these days?  What things are distracting (or consuming) you from Jesus?  Do you really believe that he is the better part?

Refection: Years ago a dear friend gave me some really wise words.  He said, "The quality of our lives will be determined by how well we do the important things that are not urgent."  And he was so right.  All of us have many urgent things that vie for our attention each day, some of which are important and some of which are not.  If we want to live lives of depth and quality, we must not allow ourselves to be ruled by the tyranny of the urgent (as Martha was), but to be focused on, and attentive to, the important things instead.  That is the kind of life Jesus wants us to live.  Just ask Mary.

  Most of our conflicts and difficulties come from trying to deal with the spiritual and practical aspects of our life separately instead of realizing them as parts of a one whole.  If our practical life is centered on our own interests, cluttered up by possessions, distracted by ambitions, passions, wants and worries, beset by a sense of our own rights and importance, or anxieties for our own future, or longings for our own success, we need not expect that our spiritual life will be a contrast to all this.  The soul’s house is not built on such a convenient plan: there are few soundproof partitions in it.  Only when the conviction—not merely the idea—that the demand of the Spirit, however inconvenient, comes first and IS first, rules the whole of it, will those objectionable noises die down which have a way of penetrating into the nicely furnished oratory, and drowning all the quieter voices by their din. (The Spiritual Life by Evelyn Underhill)


Closing Prayer: Lord Jesus, may we never miss the important by being consumed with the urgent.  Give us the strength and the wisdom to always choose the good part—sitting at your feet and listening to what you say.  Amen.

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