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Wednesday, September 11, 2013

story, day 7

Come to Stillness: Take a few minutes to allow your mind and heart to be still before God.

Opening Prayer:
Dear Jesus,
     Speak to me during this day about the story you are telling, the story I was made for.  Open my eyes, Lord, to the ways that story is being lived out in the events and circumstances of this day.  Show me how all that happens to me this day echoes Your larger Story if only I will keep my heart focused on you.  In your name I pray.  Amen. (JLB)

Psalm for the Week: Psalm 107

Scripture for the Day: Luke 10:25-37

Reading for Reflection:

Every month, the youth group at River Road Church visited Holcomb Manor, a local nursing home, to hold church services for the residents.  Daryl, a reluctant youth group volunteer, did not like nursing homes.  For a long time, he had avoided the monthly services.  But when a flu epidemic depleted the group of leaders, Daryl agreed to help with the next month’s service, as long as he did not have to be part of the program.
     During the service, Daryl felt awkward and out of place.  He leaned against the back wall, between two residents in wheelchairs.  Just as the service finished and Daryl was thinking about a quick exit, someone grabbed his hand.  Startled, he looked down and saw a very old, frail, and obviously lonely man in a wheelchair.  What could Daryl do but hold the man’s hand?  The man’s mouth hung open, and his face held no expression.  Daryl doubted whether he could hear or see anything.
     As everyone began to leave, Daryl realized he didn’t want to leave the old man.  Daryl had been left too many times in his own life.  Caught somewhat off-guard by his feelings, Daryl leaned over and whispered, “I’m…uh…sorry, I have to leave, but I’ll be back.  I promise.”  Without warning, the man squeezed Daryl’s hand and then let go.  As Daryl’s eyes filled with tears, he grabbed his stuff and started to leave.  Inexplicably, he heard himself say to the old man, “I love you,” and he thought, Where did that come from?  What’s the matter with me?
     Daryl returned the next month and the month after that.  Each time, it was the same.  Daryl would stand in the back, Oliver would grab his hand, Daryl would say he had to leave, Oliver would squeeze his hand, and Daryl would say softly, “I love you Mr. Leak.” (He had learned his name of course.)  As the months went on, about a week before the Holcomb Manor service, Daryl would find himself looking forward to visiting his aged friend.
     On Daryl’s sixth visit, the service started, but Oliver still hadn’t been wheeled out.  Daryl didn’t feel too concerned at first, because it often took the nurses a long time to wheel everyone out.  But halfway into the service, Daryl became alarmed.  He went to the head nurse.  “Um, I don’t see Mr. Leak here today.  Is he okay?”  The nurse asked Daryl to follow her and led him to room 27.
     Oliver lay in his bed, his eyes closed, his breathing uneven.  At forty years of age, Daryl had never seen someone dying, but he knew that Oliver was near death.  Slowly, he walked to the side of the bed and grabbed Oliver’s hand.  When Oliver didn’t respond, tears filled Daryl’s eyes.  He knew he might never see Oliver alive again.  He had so much he wanted to say, but the words wouldn’t come out.  He stayed with Oliver for about an hour, then the youth director gently interrupted to say they were leaving.
     Daryl stood and squeezed Mr. Leak’s hand for the last time.  “I’m sorry , Oliver, I have to go.  I love you.”  As he unclasped his hand, he felt a squeeze.  Mr. Leak had responded!  He had squeezed Daryl’s hand!  The tears were unstoppable now, and Daryl stumbled toward the door, trying to regain his composure.
     A young woman was standing at the door, and Daryl almost bumped into her.  “I’m sorry,” he said, “I didn’t see you.”
     “It’s all right, I’ve been waiting to see you,” she said.  “I’m Oliver’s granddaughter.  He’s dying, you know.”
     “Yes, I know.” 
     “I wanted to meet you,”  she said.  “When the doctors said he was dying, I came immediately.  We have always been very close.  They said he couldn’t talk, but he’s been talking to me.  Not much, but I know what he is saying.  Last night he woke up.  His eyes were bright and alert.  He looked straight into my eyes and said, ‘Please say goodbye to Jesus for me,’ and he laid back down and closed his eyes.
     “He caught me off guard, and as soon as I gathered my composure, I whispered to him, ‘Grandpa, I don’t need to say goodbye to Jesus; you’re going to be with him soon, and you can tell him hello.’
     “Grandpa struggled to open his eyes again.  This time his face lit up with a mischievous smile, and he said as clearly as I’m talking to you, ‘I know, but Jesus comes to see me every month, and he might not know I’m gone.’  He closed his eyes and hasn’t spoken since.
     “I told the nurse what he’d said, and she told me about you, coming every month, holding Grandpa’s hand.  I wanted to thank you for him, for me…and, well, I never thought of Jesus being as chubby and bald as you, but I imagine that Jesus is very glad to have had you be mistaken for him.  I know Grandpa is.  Thank you.”
     She leaned over and kissed Daryl on the forehead.
     Oliver Leak died peacefully the next morning. (Messy Spirituality by Michael Yaconelli)
Reflection and Listening: silent and written

Prayer: for the church, for others, for myself

Song for the Week: Step By Step

O God, you are my God
And I will ever praise you
O God, you are my God
And I will ever praise you
I will seek you in the morning
And learn to walk in your ways
And step by step you’ll lead me
And I will follow you all of my days

And I will follow you all of my days,
Yes I will follow you all of my days
And step by step you’ll lead me
And I will follow you all of my days

Closing Prayer:
Father, write yourself upon my heart and life—that I may be an open book about you, so that others might read of your unending love on every page.  In the name of Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith.  Amen. (JLB)

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