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Friday, April 14, 2023

on the road

Opening Prayer: Risen Jesus, you are liable to show up any place at any time.  Help me keep my eyes peeled and my heart attentive for your coming.  Amen.

Scripture: Luke 24:13-35

Journal:  How will you pay attention for the coming of the Risen Jesus in the days and weeks ahead?  Where and how have you seen him so far?  What did that do in your heart?

Reflection: They couldn’t understand it on their own, nor could they explain it. (Luke 24:15-32)   They were at a loss to try and figure it all out, teeming with doubts and fears and uncertainties.  Having so many more questions than answers.  How were they supposed to make sense of what had happened over the last few days, much less the last few years?  And yet there they were, walking along the road, lost in a mass of chaos and grief and confusion. 

That is, until he showed up.  He seemingly came out of nowhere, joining them on their journey, just walking alongside them.  He joined in the conversation, not hijacking it, but asking questions and letting them talk about what was on their minds and hearts.  They were so consumed and perplexed that they didn’t even recognize him, which was exactly the way he wanted it.

And finally, when he did speak, they were mesmerized.  His words started a fire deep in their hearts.  It wasn’t until he broke the bread that their eyes were finally opened and saw that it was their beloved Jesus.  The one who had shared this same meal with them in the upper room, was back from the dead.  He was alive!

We have much to learn about the Risen Jesus as well.  We cannot be sure when or where or how me might show up.  We cannot control or determine or manipulate his comings and goings.  We are totally dependent on him.  We cannot see on our own, we cannot understand on our own, we cannot recognize him on our own.  We cannot figure it out on our own, we cannot make sense of it on our own, and we cannot make our own hearts burn within us.  All of this must be done for us by Jesus.  Life with Jesus is about absolute dependence and complete surrender.  His job is to come; our job is to wait.  For unless he comes and walks along with us, our eyes will never be opened.


Closing Prayer: Come, Risen Lord!  Make our hearts burn within us this day.

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