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Thursday, June 7, 2018

open door

Opening Prayer: O God, God, my Father, I have no words, no words by which I dare express the things that stir within me.  I lay bare myself, my world, before you in quietness.  Brood over my spirit with your great tenderness and understanding and judgment, so that I will find, in some strange new way, strength for my weakness, health for my illness, guidance for my journey.  This is the stirring of my heart, O God, my Father.  Amen. (The Growing Edge by Howard Thurman)

Scripture: Revelation 3:7-13

Journal: How are you like the church at Philadelphia?  How does the message to that church speak to you?  How does it encourage you?  How does it challenge you?  Is there an open door before you these days?  Where is it and what would it look like to walk through it?

Reflection: Nothing is more inviting than an open door; especially a door that has been opened by God.  And that is the image we have before us today.  God has set an open door before us, which no one is able to shut.  No one!  What does that mean?  What is this mysterious door?  And what is the invitation that this open door beckons us to?  
     The church at Philadelphia was a delight to God.  It was small in number (and apparently in power), but large in stature.  In fact it is the only church mentioned in these seven letters that God had absolutely no criticism of.  In fact, even in the midst of significant trial and opposition God commended them for keeping his word and not denying his name.   
     My guess is that this is where the open door comes in.  It is the open door of ministry opportunity.  The same door that Paul writes about, and requests prayer for, in Colossians and 1 and 2 Corinthians.  Somehow their faithfulness to Christ, even in the midst of strong opposition, had proven them worthy of such a door of opportunity being held constantly open for them.  As in, “The man who is faithful in the little things will also be faithful in the big things.” (Luke 16:10, JBP)   

We throw open our doors to God and discover at the same moment that he has already thrown open his door to us. We find ourselves standing where we always hoped we might stand—out in the wide open spaces of God's grace and glory, standing tall and shouting our praise. ~Romans 5:2 (The Message)


Closing Prayer: Come, Lord, and speak to my heart.  Communicate to it your holy will, and mercifully work within it both to will and to do according to your good pleasure. Amen. ~Thomas A Kempis

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