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Sunday, June 7, 2020

training versus trying

Opening Prayer: Lord Jesus, help us to know what it means to train ourselves to be godly.  Give us the strength and the wisdom and the courage and the grace to do so.  Amen.

Scripture: 1 Timothy 4:7-8

Journal: How do you train yourself to be godly?  How is that different from just trying real hard?  What will you do this week in terms of training for the purpose of godliness?  What are your spiritual practices these days and do the fit more into the category of training or trying?

Reflection: “Instead, train yourself to be godly.” (1 Tim. 4:7, NLT)  There is a world of difference between training yourself to be godly, and just trying to be godly.  Unfortunately, all too often, in our spiritual lives, we just try to be godly without training ourselves to be godly.  And the trying without the training is destined to failure.
     Years ago a group of friends were sitting around talking about training for marathons, when one of the guys in the group made the statement that he didn’t need to train.  In fact, he said he could run a marathon “right now.”  At which point, every other guy in the group challenged him: “Okay, let’s see it.”  What ensued was pretty hilarious—the stuff legends and lore are made of.  But long story short, he tried, and though he performed valiantly and admirably, he failed.  No surprise.
     You see, trying can only get us so far.  Some further than others, mind you, but without training, trying is an exercise in futility.  How in the world could we ever think that we could become godly just by trying real hard?  We need practice at constantly turning to God for help.  We need to train ourselves to use his strength and his power to do the thing that we cannot do on our own—become like him.
     Training is much different, especially in the spiritual life.  Training definitely involves effort, but it doesn’t involve sheer willpower and determination.  Training involves teaching our soul and spirit to constantly turn towards God rather than ourselves.  Spiritual practice is nothing more than making time and space for God to move and to work and to act.  Spiritual practice, or the spiritual disciplines, are the things we do that help us to be the people God desires us to be.  They are the ways we train our soul and spirit to be open and receptive and obedient to God’s voice, God’s direction, and God’s will at all times and in all situations.  If we constantly train ourselves to turn towards God over and over and over again, then we will be able to do that when times of trial or temptation or disaster come.  When the “game” is on the line, our soul will be trained to use God’s Spirit and power, rather than trying to rely on our own.  That is how we become spiritually fit.       


Closing Prayer: You alone, O Lord, can make us godly, but that doesn’t let us completely off the hook.  We too have a responsibility in this equation.  Help us to know what it means to train ourselves to be godly, and then help us to do it.  Amen.

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