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Wednesday, June 24, 2020

humble yourself

Opening Prayer: Forgive me, O Lord, when I am full of pride rather than full of humility, when I seek to become something rather than seeking to become nothing, when I am full of myself rather than full of you.  For when I am full of myself there is no room for you to move, work, and act.  Give me the strength and the grace and the courage to humble myself, O Lord, in order that you will lift me up.  Amen.

Scripture: James 4:1-10

Journal: Where and how is God inviting you to humble yourself?  Why? What do you think he’s hoping the end result will be?

Reflection: “Humility is not nothingness but fullness, for into the vacuum created by the demolition of human pride and self-sufficiency, pours the fullness of God,” writes Albert E. Day.  Thus, my cup can overflow only when it is totally empty and devoid of self.  Humility is the process by which that emptying takes place.  Through humility, God empties us of self, in order to make room within us to receive his fullness.  That’s why he says, “Humble yourselves before the Lord and he will lift you up.”


Closing Prayer: Lord Jesus, you are inviting us to embrace humility, in order that there might be space within us to receive your fullness.  Give us the strength and the grace and the courage to do so.  Amen.

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