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Tuesday, June 30, 2020

seeing beyond the mess

Opening Prayer: O Lord, help me to gaze upon your beauty today, rather than being overwhelmed and dismayed by the mess.  Amen.

Scripture: Psalm 27:4

Journal: What do you generally focus on, the mess or the beauty?  What is the result of each?  What would it look like to gaze upon the beauty of the Lord, rather than focusing on the mess of your life?


beyond the mess

to gaze upon the
beauty of the Lord
~ps. 27:4

you will never reach 
the promised land
if all you can see 
is the shit on your shoes

you must learn to gaze 
beyond the muck
to be captured 
by a greater beauty
to be pulled along 
by a grace far bigger 
than all the mess


Closing Prayer: Help us to gaze upon your beauty, O Lord, and help that beauty pull us into the life and the transformation we most deeply desire.  Amen.

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