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Wednesday, December 18, 2019

scarcity and abundance

Opening Prayer: Jesus, thank you that you came to show us how to live out of abundance rather than scarcity.  Teach us how to do that.  Amen.

Scripture: John 10:10

Journal: How are you living out of scarcity rather than abundance these days?  What does that look like?  How is Jesus calling you to more than that?  How does he want you to live in abundance?  Why do you think you continue to live in scarcity?

Reflection: It’s amazing how easy it is to fall into the trap of seeing (and living) life in terms of scarcity rather than abundance.  Scarcity has to do with the notion that there is only so much (love, significance, affirmation, notoriety, money, etc.) to go around, so you better grab yours or someone else will.  Thus, it creates a lot of anxiety and insecurity and uncertainty and pressure within us.  We are constantly jockeying and posturing and measuring and comparing and performing, in order to get our share.  Which makes it impossible to love and appreciate and celebrate each other, since others are threats and competitors rather than brothers and sisters.  The Enemy loves this kind of thinking.  In fact, he majors in it.  It does exactly what he has come to do—it kills and destroys.
     Jesus, however, talked about abundance.  In fact, he came that we might have life that is abundant.  He came to show us that there more than enough love and affection and significance to go around.  His love is unlimited, it is super-abundant, and it is eternal.  It will never run out or dry up.  There is no expiration date.  And when I really start to believe that, I can really live, and I can really love the way he created me to.
     So this very day, Jesus wants me to live in, and out of, the abundance of his love.  The only question is: Will I?


Closing Prayer: Jesus, give me the abundant life that you created for me, and help me to be a vehicle of that abundance to others.  Amen.

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