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the blue book is now available on amazon

Exciting news!   The Blue Book is now available on Amazon! And not only that, but it also has a bunch of new content!  I've been work...

Thursday, December 19, 2019


Opening Prayer: Remind me, O God, that this life is not about me, but about you.  Help me to be who and what you want me to be today—no more, no less.  Amen. 

Scripture: Matthew 1:18-25

Journal: How is God asking you to be more like Joseph today?

Reflection:  You’ve got to love Joseph.  Lesser men would have buckled under the social, spiritual, and emotional strain of all that God was asking him to believe and to do, but not him.  He did not flinch, but remained true to who he was and to who God was asking him to be.  
     He loved and cared for his wife, in spite of the social and religious stigma attached to her being pregnant before they were married.  He listened to, believed, and obeyed his God, rather than being swayed and coerced by the voices and opinions of those around him.  In fact, even in the midst of being pressured by friends and family to take matters into his own hands, he, instead, did all that the angel of the Lord had commanded.
     And perhaps most remarkably of all, he was willing to play a seemingly minor (yet significant) role in God’s unfolding story of redemption.  I mean, who does that?  Who in their right mind is willing to be a background character in the powerful play?  Joseph, that’s who.
     I have so much to learn from him—one of the main things being that this life is not about me, but about God. It is about Jesus coming in and through me into his world.  I am not the main character, even in my own story.  For even my own story is not about me, but about him.  He occupies center stage.  I am but a minor character in his unfolding drama, not vice versa.  Maybe it’s time I started living like it—like Joseph did.  


Closing Prayer: Lord Jesus, be the center of my life, this day and every day.  Help my whole life to revolve around you, and not vice versa.  Amen. 

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