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the blue book is now available on amazon

Exciting news!   The Blue Book is now available on Amazon! And not only that, but it also has a bunch of new content!  I've been work...

Tuesday, September 25, 2018


Opening Prayer: Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me a sinner.

Scripture: Luke 22:54-62

Journal: Where and how is Jesus calling you to repentance these days?

Reflection: Peter denied his Lord thrice, and then the Lord looked upon him.  And that look of Jesus broke the heart of Peter, and all at once there opened up before him the terrible sin that he had committed, the terrible failure that had come, and the depth into which he had fallen, and “Peter went out and wept bitterly.”
     Oh!  Who can tell what that repentance must have been?  During the following hours of that night, and the next day, the Sabbath—oh, in what hopeless despair and shame he must have spent that day!

            My Lord is gone, my hope is gone, and I denied my Lord.  After that life of love, after that 
Blessed fellowship of three years, I denied my Lord.  God have mercy upon me!

     I do not think we can realize into what depth of humiliation Peter sank then.  But that was the turning point and the change: and on the first day of the week Christ was seen of Peter, and in the evening he met him with the others.  Later on at the Lake of galilee he asked him: “Lovest thou me?” until Peter was made sad by the thought that the Lord reminded him of having denied him thrice.  Then, Peter said in sorrow, but in uprightness: “Lord, thou knowest all things; thou knowest that I love thee.” (Absolute Surrender and Other Addresses by Andrew Murray)


Closing Prayer: Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me.  (Psalm 51:10)

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