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Tuesday, January 26, 2016

free, tuesday

Tuesday, January 26

Opening Prayer: Lord Jesus, help us to live our lives as free men, not as slaves to our own whims and moods and preferences.  Help us to realize that it is only in you that we find our true meaning and our true purpose and a true sense of freedom.  Help us to fully become all that you created us to be.  Amen.

Scripture: 1 Peter 2:16

Journal: Who or what determines how you spend your days?  What or whose rhythm do you operate by? 

     A wise man once said, "Only he who obeys a rhythm superior to his own in free."  I think he said this because he realized that we were all created to dance to a certain rhythm, a rhythm much larger than our own.  And when we don’t move to the rhythm of the One who made us, the One who dreamt us into being, we become something other than who and what we were intended to be.  Our lives lack both the meaning and the purpose that they were designed to carry.  Therefore, the way we live our lives, and the way we go about filling our days, must be determined by something, or Someone, larger than our own tastes and preferences.  Because if they are not, we are at the whim of mood and circumstance and demand.  We are slaves to fear and anxiety and insecurity.  Or, in the words of Thomas Merton, we are slaves to the external self.  And ultimately freedom is not about doing whatever we want to do, but about being who and what we were made to be.


Closing Prayer: O Lord, teach us to number our days aright that we might gain a heart of wisdom.  Amen. (Psalm 90:12)

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