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Tuesday, August 28, 2018

drink up

Opening Prayer: O God, fountain of life, you invite us continually to come and drink from your river of delights.  Why on earth do we not do that more often?

Scripture: Psalm 36:5-10

Journal: Why do you not drink more often from the wells of God?  What keeps you from it?  What helps you to do it?  Will you stop and drink today?

Reflection: They say, “You can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make him drink.”  I guess they were right, whoever they may be.  As strange and funny as it may sound—and as thirsty as our souls are—there is just something within us that refuses to drink from the wells of God. 
     Why on earth would I do such a thing?   I mean, here God is—the very God who made me—offering me a drink from his river of delights and for some crazy reason I refuse.  Is it fear that keeps me from drinking of God?  Or is it the lack of belief that the “water” he offers is better than that of the world?  I don’t know, maybe it is simply a refusal to stop.  For stopping seems to be a prerequisite for drinking.  Or is it that I simply don’t know how to really drink from him?
     I suppose it might be different for each person.  But what is not different is his continual invitation to drink deeply of his love and grace, every minute of every day.  For he truly is the fountain of life.  O God, give me the grace and the courage to drink up.


Closing Prayer: Jesus, give me this water so I won’t get thirsty and have to keep coming here to draw water.  Let me drink the water you give me.  Amen.

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