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the blue book is now available on amazon

Exciting news!   The Blue Book is now available on Amazon! And not only that, but it also has a bunch of new content!  I've been work...

Thursday, January 5, 2017


Opening Prayer: O my God, teach me to seek you, for I cannot seek you unless you teach me, or find you unless you show yourself to me.  Let me seek you in my desire, and desire you in my seeking.  Let me find you by loving you, let me love you when I find you. ~St. Anselm of Canterbury

Scripture: Matthew 2:1-8

Journal: How are you seeking Christ these days?  Where has it led you?  In what ways is he being found by you?

Reflection: Although the scribes could explain where the Messiah should be born, they remained quite unperturbed in Jerusalem.  They did not accompany the Wise Men to seek him.  Similarly we may know the whole of Christianity, yet make on movement.  The power that moved heaven and earth leaves us completely unmoved.
     What a difference!  The three kings had only a rumor to go by.  But it moved them to make a long journey.  The scribes were much better informed, much better versed.  They sat and studied the Scriptures like so many dons, but it did not make them move.  Who had the more truth?  The three kings who followed a rumor, or the scribes who remained sitting with all their knowledge?
     What a vexation it must have been for the kings, that the scribes who gave them the news they wanted remained quiet in Jerusalem!  We are being mocked, the kings might have thought.  For indeed what an atrocious self-contradiction that the scribes should have the knowledge and yet remain still.  This is as bad as if a person knows all about Christ and his teachings, and his own life expresses the opposite.  We are tempted to suppose that such a person wishes to fool us, unless we admit that he is only fooling himself. ~Soren Kierkegaard


Closing Prayer: O Lord our God, give us a heart to seek you relentlessly, whatever it takes and wherever it may lead.  Because in seeking you is our great reward—finding you and being found by you.  This we pray in the name of Jesus.  Amen. (Watch and Wait by Jim Branch)

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