Opening Prayer: O Thou who ordered this wondrous world, and
who knowest all things in earth and heaven:
So fill our hearts with trust in thee that by night and day, at all
times and in all seasons, we may without fear commit all that we have and hope
to be to thy never-failing love, for this life and the life to come; through
Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. ~The
Book of Worship
Scripture: John 4:46-54
Journal: Where in your life do you need to take Jesus at
his word? What does that look like?
Maybe there is no better definition of the word faith
than the one offered here in the fourth chapter of John. It says the royal official “took Jesus at
his word.” What a great definition
of faith: believing that what God has said is true. Being convinced. Convinced that he loves us the way he says he
does. Convinced that he is in control
and can be trusted with our lives.
Convinced that he will truly care for us and those we love. Convinced.
Is there a place in your life right now
where you are having to walk by faith? A
place where you are having to believe that God’s heart for you is good even
though you have a hard time seeing it in the circumstances. What does it mean for you to “take Jesus at
his word” right now? (Beginnings by Jim Branch)
Closing Prayer: O Lord, help me to really believe. Help me to really believe your heart for me
is good. Help me to really believe that
nothing can separate me from your love.
Help me to really believe you will do what you say you will do. Help me to take you at your word. In the name of Jesus. Amen. (Beginnings by Jim Branch)
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