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Saturday, July 18, 2015

the heart, saturday

Saturday, July 18

Opening Prayer: God unto whom all hearts are open and unto whom every will speaks, and from whom no secret thing is hidden, I pray You to cleanse the intent of my heart with the ineffable gift of Your grace, that I might perfectly love You, and worthily praise You.  Amen. (The Cloud of Unknowing)

Scripture: Jeremiah 29:10-14

Journal: What do the words of Jeremiah do within you today?  What makes you come alive?  What challenges you?  What does it look like to seek the Lord with all your heart?  Where are you in that process? 

     Prayer is not real unless it comes from the heart.  “The heart” is a phrase that is strongly emphasized in the Bible.  It is a picture of the heart of human personality, the place where all our attitudes, drive and motivation come from.  The heart is the core of our being.  Prayer starts with the heart, because God longs to relate to us at every level of our being.  This includes our feelings, our mind, our imagination, our love, our memory, our will.  God seeks to know us intimately for all that we are.  This is why prayer focuses on the very core of our being, inside the heart.  John Chrysostom, the great preacher in the fourth-century church, said, “Find the door of your heart, and you will discover that it is the door of the Kingdom of God.” (The Transforming Power of Prayer by James Houston)


Closing Prayer: Lord, I am yours; I do yield myself up entirely to you, and I believe that you do take me.  I leave myself with you.  Work in me all the good pleasure of your will, and I will only lie still in your hands and trust you.  Amen. (The Christian’s Secret of a Happy Life by Hannah Whitall Smith)

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