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Monday, March 30, 2015

holy monday

Holy Monday, March 30

Opening Prayer: Your most dear Son went not up to joy but first he suffered pain, and entered not into glory but first he was crucified: Grant that we, walking in the way of the cross, may find it none other than the way of life and peace.  Amen. (Venite by Robert Benson)

Scripture: John 12:1-11

Journal: Where do you find yourself in this story from scripture today?  Who can you identify with the most?  The least?  What do you wish to extravagantly pour out to Jesus today?

     When it comes to accomplishing things for God, you will find that high aspirations, enthusiastic feelings, careful planning and being able to express yourself well are not worth very much.  The important thing is absolute surrender to God.  You can do anything He wants you to do if you are walking in the light of full surrender.
     Living in this blessed way involves a continual death which is known to very few, but it is in this position that you can be really effective for God.  A single word spoken to another person from this restful, abandoned position will do more than all our most eager and carefully planned schemes.  You see, when you speak from this position of abandonment to God, it is the Spirit of God who is then speaking, and the word you speak out of this context loses none of its force and authority. ~Francois Fenelon


Closing Prayer: Lord Jesus, whatever I’ve got to give you today, may I give it all to you, freely and extravagantly, as an outpouring of my affection.   Amen.

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