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Thursday, July 4, 2024

basking in his grace

Opening Prayer: Lord Jesus, thank you for your unfailing mercy and your abundant grace.  Help us to bask in the beauty and wonderful of your deep, deep love for us.

Scripture: Ephesians 1:7-10

Journal: How is God lavishing his grace upon you?  What does it look like to bask in that grace?  Will you?



we can beg for mercy
but we must bask in grace
it cannot be earned
it cannot be achieved
it can only be received

grace is lavished upon us
all that’s required is openness
willingness to bathe ourselves
in his goodness and his love


Closing Prayer: Thank you, Lord Jesus, that your grace cannot be earned or achieved, but can only be received.  Help us to open our hands and our hearts to you today that we might bathe ourselves in your goodness and love.

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