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Wednesday, January 19, 2022

so we actually can make this stuff up

Opening Prayer: Lord Jesus, help me to realize that the storms and chaos of this life can keep me from seeing and recognizing you.  They can even cause me to make up stories about myself and others that are simply not true.  Help me, Lord Jesus, to live in your truth, because it is your truth that sets me free.  Amen.

Scripture: Matthew 14:26-27

Journal: Where have you created a story (for yourself or for others) that is not really there?  What is that story?  What is the truth?  Where and how have circumstances kept you from being able to recognize Jesus?

Reflection: “But when the disciples saw him walking on the sea, they were terrified and said, ‘It is a ghost!’ and cried out in fear.  But immediately Jesus spoke to them, saying, ‘Take courage; it is I.  Do not be afraid.’” (Matthew 14:26-27)

So the disciples had convinced themselves that Jesus was a ghost.  Interesting.  They had created a story that was not even there.  Circumstances clouded their vision, producing fear and keeping them from being able to recognize that it was actually Jesus who was standing out there on the sea.  I wonder how often this is the case with us. 

I wonder how often we allow our response to circumstances to create a narrative that simply doesn’t exist.  I wonder how often we create stories for ourselves and for others that are only the creation of our own fearful minds and insecure hearts.  Because of sin, we are prone, like the disciples, to misinterpretation.  We create stories for ourselves and for others that are not even there.  In other words, because of sin we have become unreliable narrators, even of our own story.  Sin has kept us from being able to see clearly. 

Which makes me ask, what is the story I am telling myself right now?  And is it even true?  Where have I convinced myself that something is true, when it is really not?  Where have I allowed circumstances to keep me from recognizing Jesus? 

Lord Jesus, give me the eyes to see you clearly, even in the midst of the storms and chaos. 


Closing Prayer: Lord Jesus, give me the eyes to see you clearly, even in the midst of the storms and chaos. 

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