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Monday, May 17, 2021

following jesus

Opening Prayer:  Lord Jesus, forgive me when I forget that this life is about you and not about me.  Show me, this day, what following you really looks like.  Amen.

Scripture: Luke 9:57-62

Journal:  Are you really following Jesus these days, or are you asking him to follow you?  Where are you setting the course and the agenda, and where is he?

Reflection: Following Jesus is not about what I want, it’s about what he wants.  Why do I keep forgetting that? 

In the life of faith we talk a lot about calling and passion and giftedness, when what we really should be talking about is obedience.  It might be that following Jesus means that he calls us to do certain things that we are not particularly gifted at, or passionate about.  Just ask Moses, or Jeremiah, or Peter, or Paul.  I mean, how many people in the Scriptures did God ask to do things that they felt totally inadequate to do? 

When we say yes to following Jesus, we say yes to him calling the shots; to him setting the agenda.  And it’s very likely that his agenda will include some things that are difficult, unenjoyable, and downright uncomfortable.


Closing Prayer:  Lord Jesus, help me to truly follow you today, wherever that may lead, whatever it may entail.  Amen.

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