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the blue book is now available on amazon

Exciting news!   The Blue Book is now available on Amazon! And not only that, but it also has a bunch of new content!  I've been work...

Tuesday, January 23, 2018


Opening Prayer: O creative God, who dreamt me into being before the foundations of the world.  Give me the strength, the courage, and the conviction to become all that you desire for me to be.  Mold me and form and shape me, that I might be conformed more and more to your image.  In the name of Jesus.  Amen. (Pieces II by Jim Branch)

Scripture: Luke 6:43-45

Journal: How does a fig tree grow figs?  What kind of tree are you these days?  What is growing on your branches?  What kind of tree do you long to be?  How will you be that?

Reflection: How does a fig tree grow figs?  No, it’s not a trick question. But it’s not rocket science either.  A fig tree grows figs by being what it was created to be.  When it is planted in fertile soil, and tended with care and attention, and watered by the spring rains, it will grow figs.  That’s just who and what it is.  If it tries to grow apples, or peaches, or anything other than figs for that matter, it’s in for a rough go of it.  Kind of makes you wonder why we ever try to be anything other than who we are.
     The reverse is also true.  If you want to know what kind of a tree you have before you, just look at the fruit it produces and it will tell you everything you need to know.  Figs are not produced by thorn bushes and grapes are not grown on bramble bushes.  Thus, a good tree does not produce bad fruit, and vice versa.  The kind of fruit that is growing on the vines and branches of our lives will tell us the truth about what is going on inside.  So, as you look at the branches of your life these days, what does it tell you?


Closing Prayer: Help me, O God, to surrender my life completely to your control and command.  Give it both a plan and pattern that constantly reminds me of your presence and consistently makes me more responsive to your will.  For the sake of Jesus, your Son.  Amen. (Pieces II by Jim Branch)

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