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the blue book is now available on amazon

Exciting news!   The Blue Book is now available on Amazon! And not only that, but it also has a bunch of new content!  I've been work...

Monday, February 27, 2017


Opening Prayer: Lord, help me to not get so caught up in fretting and worrying today that it keeps me from delighting in you.  Amen.

Scripture: Psalm 37:1-8

Journal: Where in your life are you fretting?  What effect is it having on you?  How can you turn from fret to delight and trust?



it is so easy for me to get lost inside myself at times
to get stuck in a slow spiral of darkness and death
unable to break free
trapped in a maze ever deepening
a decaying orbit destined to crash in a dark land
void of light and life
stuck or marooned or stranded
seemingly unable to break free
from the gravitational pull

is it a choice that keeps me in this place
is it as simple as saying no
as interrupting the death spiral
and turning back to a more beautiful way
of being and of seeing
is it simply a choice to return home
to my best and truest self
the one you whispered into being
to turn the ear of my soul
back toward your lips
to hear a more reliable voice
the voice of truth and love and delight
the only voice it seems
that can stop the spinning

only you o god can break the tether
only you can stop this spinning
and restore hope and joy and peace
to my desperate soul


Closing Prayer: Lord, help me not to get so busy and preoccupied spinning around in my own little world today that I forget to pay attention to you and fail to love others.  Amen.

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