Uncrowd my heart, O God,
until silence speaks
in your still small
turn me from the hearing
of words,
and the making of words,
and the confusion of much
to listening,
~Thomas Merton
Scripture: Mark 6:31
Journal: Where do solitude and silence fit in your spiritual practice? What has been the fruit of them in your life
thus far? Why do you think God invites
you into silence and solitude? Why do
you think we resist it?
Solitude and silence are a beautiful
invitation from God. They are an invitation to stop, to cease striving,
to rest, and to breathe. They are an invitation to be renewed and
restored. In a world where we are constantly on the go, living in a
constant exhale, solitude and silence provide an opportunity to inhale.
They allow the life-giving Spirit of God the space and the time to blow
his fresh wind into our parched and weary souls. Thus, solitude and
silence are essential for both our spiritual and our physical well-being.
They offer us an invitation to come to him, to release our burdens, and to
enjoy his presence, his peace, and his rest.
Prayer: O God, my loving Father, let me rest in the
silence and security of your strong and loving arms this day. Help me to trust you completely—and to be
occupied with nothing else but you. Let
me find my rest and my hope in you, both now and forevermore. Amen.
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