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Tuesday, August 4, 2015

calling, tuesday

Tuesday, August 4

Opening Prayer: Most High, glorious God, enlighten the darkness of my heart, and give me right faith, certain hope, and perfect charity, wisdom and understanding, Lord, that I may carry out your holy and true command.  Amen.  ~St. Francis of Assisi

Scripture: Luke 5:1-11

Journal: What was God calling Simon Peter and his friends to do?  What would they be leaving behind?  What was their main vocation from then on?  How does this speak to what God is calling you to do?

     Vocare, to call, of course, and a man’s vocation is a man’s calling.  It is the work that he is called to in this world, the thing that he is summoned to spend his life doing.  We can speak of a man’s choosing his vocation, but perhaps it is at least as accurate to speak of a vocation’s choosing the man, of a call’s being given and a man’s hearing it.  And maybe that is the place to start:  the business of listening and hearing.  A man’s life is full of all sorts of voices calling him in all sorts of directions.  Some of them are voices from inside and some of them are voices from outside.  The more alive and alert we are, the more clamorous our lives are.  Which do we listen to?  What kind of voice do we listen for?  (The Hungering Dark by Frederick Buechner)


Closing Prayer: Look upon us, O Lord, and let all the darkness of our souls vanish before the beams of thy brightness.  Fill us with holy love, and open to us the treasures of thy wisdom.  All our desire is known unto thee, therefore perfect what thou hast begun, and what thy Spirit has awakened us to ask in prayer.  We seek thy face, turn thy face unto us and show us thy glory.  Then shall our longing be satisfied, and our peace shall be perfect.  ~St. Augustine

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