Opening Prayer: Help me to seek your face, O Lord, and not merely my own interests masked in a pious shell. Amen.
Scripture: Psalm 27:8
Journal: What are you really seeking these days? God’s face or your own success? God’s will and God’s kingdom or your own? What would it look like to truly seek his face?
Reflection: We can fool others, and even ourselves, but we can’t fool God. He knows when we are seeking his face and when we are merely seeking our own personal gain—be it control, popularity, recognition, power, prestige, etc. The truth is that we cannot seek his face and our own success at the same time. It is just not possible. As Jesus so clearly reminded us: “We can’t serve two masters.” The bottom line is that we are either in it for ourselves, in it for others, or in it for God. We must seek God alone, not God and. As A. W. Tozer once said, “When we are seeking God and, we are not really seeking God at all.
Closing Prayer: Forgive us, Lord God, when we try to use you rather than seek you. Using you to build our own kingdom makes us no better than the Pharisees. Lord, have mercy on us. Amen.